noun:Any foam finger that has special meaning or a priceless quality to its
owner. Can be of any team but the term Prised Fanger is typically associated
with a red Louisville Cardinal's foam finger that has two fingers pointing up
and a thumb on the side in the shape of an L. Prised Fangers are usually taken
everywhere the owner goes, even if no game or sporting event is happening.
Prised Fangers usually have various names and words written all over them(
typically theses markings are the handy work of the owner aka the Prised One).
Some Fangers are also known to have black and mild burn marks and even bites
taken out of them. The more unique a Fanger the more prised it becomes.
Sometimes wearers of such a Fanger, will poke others in the face while
repeating, "look out for the Fanger!" This is known as a Fanger Attack
"Look out for the Fanger!!!"
"Get that Prised Fanger outta my face im tryin to drive here!"=
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