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prison mike

One of Michael Scott's many, many characters.

Jim: What did you do Prison Mike?
Prison Mike: I stole and I robbed and I kidnapped the President's son and held him for ransom.
Jim: That is quite the rap sheet, Prison Mike.
Prison Mike: And I never got caught, neither.
Jim: Well, you were in prison.
Pam: Prison Mike, what was the food like in prison?
Prison Mike: Gruel (pause) sandwiches. Gruel omelets. Nothin' but gruel. Plus you can eat your own hair.
Pam: Wow.

by Dougedatamazingdog April 8, 2018

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Prison mike

A man who went to the clink

Did you see that Prison mike on the streets?

by Peepee21 November 2, 2019

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Prison mike

Prison Mike is first introduced in season 3, episode 9 of The Office. Prison mike is created by Michael in attempts to show everyone in the office that prison is indeed worse than working at dunder muffin. Prison Mike is essentially just Michael wearing a bandana.

Person 1: prison mike? What's the very very worst thing about prison?
Person 2: the worst thing about prison! Was the-- was the dementors! They-- they were flying all over the place and they were scary...and they'd come down and suck the souls outta your body and-- it hoyt!

Person 3: dem-dementors like in Harry Potter?

Person 2: no not in hawwy potter...

by Dwightyoulittleslut January 12, 2020

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prison man mike

Ahh โ€œprison man mikeโ€ -when some refers to you as this phrase it means you are going away for a long time, so far and long that you end wearing the shinnyest shackles know to man, also another term used for armadillo or tractor

Man- โ€œis prison man mike getting onโ€
Man #2- โ€œ I donโ€™t think heโ€™s getting on for a whileโ€
Man- โ€œ for how longโ€
Man#2 โ€œso farโ€

by Kavsiwvdyejekwos August 3, 2021

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Prison Mike

He will let you down, a complete POS. A poser at heart. He will exaggerated his military service. And worst of all I tell, he will surrender when surrounded by the SWAT team and throw the white privilege card to get out of it like any Ted shits your pants Nugent wannabe. Will never actually stand up for what he says he believes, hence the ultimate poser.

Are you going to bitch out like Prison Mike, or are you going to shot it out until the until the end.

by StoneyCali June 2, 2021