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private ryan

This is when a male fucks a female so hard that her guts cum out like in the movie, "Saving Private Ryan"

Chris said, "I want to private ryan Olivia so bad." OR "I privite ryaned that hoe!"

by gabe-cheeks July 21, 2008

77๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Private Ryan

When a male has anal or sexual intercourse so hard with a female that her guts pour out, resembling the wounded soldier in the movie "Saving Private Ryan".

Chris said to Marco, "Olivia is such a babe, I'm gunna' Private Ryan her!"
The wife came home eager for a Private Ryan.

by Why So Serious?... July 25, 2008

68๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

Private ryan


when private ryan was coming back to his group,he didn't salute,walk with pride,or anything. he just jogged like if nobody was there. he had them so pissed off,that one guy said to another guy "told you he was an asshole"

by thablueprint786 May 29, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Private ryan

When three or more of your buddies each take a grenade to clear a path for you to get laid.

Epicly impossible. No man gets left behind. Bro level 1000. You tell your grandkids this story when they ask you why you always pour four shots even you drink alone.

We did a Private Ryan for your ass. You owe me.

by Muffmizer December 3, 2017

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Saving Private Ryan

Probably THE BEST war movie ever made. directed by none other than Stephen Spielberg himself and includes actors like Tom Hanks and Vin Diesel. The story revolves around a handful of soldiers who have just landed on Omaha beach and are sent to locate the last surviving member of the Ryan family ( a family of 4 brothers, 3 of them were killed at Omaha and the 4th one is the one they try to rescue). Along the way the team encounters various German patrols and outposts and the movie climaxes with a 1 hour city fight. this is the only movie which truly portrays war the way it really is. horryfing and brutal cinematography will keep you on the edge of your seat. definetely not for the squeamish. also includes a lot emoitional scenes. the movie fills the viewer with pity and remorse for the poor bastards who fought in world war 2. this movie definetely does not promote war and those people who say it does definitely have not seen it.

If you haven't seen "Saving Private Ryan" then get off your ass and rent it.

by Scur May 11, 2006

442๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž

Saving Private Ryan

Best WWII movie ever made so far. Definitely one of the most popular WWII movies ever made so far (if not the most popular WWII movie ever made).

Taking place in WWII, a missing american soldier named Private James Ryan (Matt Damon) lost all of his brothers in combat. Captain John Miller (Tom Hanks) is ordered to find Private James Ryan hoping to find him before he gets killed and his mother has no living sons left.

Loosely based on a true story during WWII, where an American soldier named Frederick Niland went missing and all of his brothers were thought to be KIA. Being the only brother/son left in the family, a group of soldiers were ordered to find and save him so he can be discharged and sent home safely.

The beggining of the movie takes place during D'Day. The D'Day part is intense. The D'Day part was accurate (according to D'Day veterans in real life).

Similar to "Band of Brothers", (a miniseries taking place in WWII involving Tom Hanks as well as Steven Speilberg).

Someone-What's the best WWII movie?

Me-Saving Private Ryan

by Chillice March 19, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Saving Private Ryan Rule

When someone has hooked up with every single sibling of the same gender but one, he/she is not allowed to hook up with the remaining sibling.

Hey, did Ross sleep with Sally when he was back in Iowa?

No, she wanted to but he couldn't do it - the Saving Private Ryan Rule, you know? He's already hooked up with Jane and Samantha.

Oh, right.

by Get.Big. August 7, 2009

43๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž