Source Code


the era in US history where the federal government, via constitutional amendment, made a failed attempt to make the United States a dry nation

During Prohibition, you were not permitted to have booze at any age.

by fenderstrat21 October 8, 2006

178๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


Things which you are not supposed to do, but choose to do.

I did not plan to do something so prohibited in a rented cadillac, but sometimes a chance stumbles into your life and you just have to go with it.

by Jen March 29, 2004

45๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


Term used in the legal world to describe the price of Apple products, especially tablet based computers that are otherwise irresistable to normal everyday consumers.

Wow I want that Ipad, even if it is prohibitatively expensive

by bumperaitken March 14, 2011

Home Prohibition

The act in which a substance such as Alcohol is banned from a household, by a family member or group of family members, after a event or

series of events that resulted in a negative outcome in which the substance is blamed.

Steve : Hey guys lets go to Bobs tonight for drinks!
John: No we can't! Bob's Dad got drunk and destroyed the house and his Mom declared a Home Prohibition.

by Nhud9 April 15, 2013

Prohibition Intermission

A period of time at a party where everyone stops partying to hide all of the alcohol for fear that cops or parents have showed up.

John: Hey, why is everyone hiding all the booze?

Jake: Prohibition intermission man, they saw a cop drive by.

by Bstaff19 February 28, 2011

marijuana prohibition

It is something that still doesn't work.

Liz:Pass the bong.
Tom:What about marijuana prohibition?
Liz:What the fuck is that?

by Liz420666 October 5, 2004

309๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž


An argument for the decision to discontinue further action based on a personal determination that too much effort is required to complete a task or enterprise.

Jerry-- "I couldn't stand college... I considered a B.S. as labor-prohibitive... I settled for a B.A. in general studies and was glad to be out in five."

by ohthree11 March 21, 2010

81๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž