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Pull a Shyamalan

To "Pull a Shyamalan" means to begin doing something and being fantastic at it on your first attempt, but to then become progressively worse at it with every attempt as you continue on doing it with no possible chance of redemption. Some people might even secretly hope you're gonna make it this next time but you never will. The origin of this phrase comes from Director Night Shyamalan's career as everyone seems to unanimously agree that the "6th Sense" was a masterpiece while everything else he did afterwards only got worse and worse over time.

(to pull a Shyamalan): Gaston Gaudio really pulled a Shyamalan with his tennis carreer. He started of winning Roland Garros and then crashed it spectaculary into the ground match after match. Total career meltdown.

by KaiserWordsmith November 3, 2017