when a group of people has a derogatory word and then they decide only they can use it, and anyone else who uses it is homophobic,racist, etc...
gay boi"wassup faggot"
straight boi " nothing much fagcake"
gay boi" aye that's homophobic my dude you cant say that..."
straight boi " are you pulling a nigger on me?"
gay boi"nah.i was keepin you from being homohobic"
straight boi"whatever fag-fucker"
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Famous last words uttered by KKK leader Virgil Lee Griaaffin (1944-2009), before he was capped by an African American gang member in the streets of NYC. Widely believed to be one last insult to the blacks before death, Virgil's words were a great reflection of his miserable life.
Virgil (against a wall with a glock to his head): "Pull the trigger, nigger".
Black dude: "Aight" (shoots Virgil)
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