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Punch face

The ring of punch found around a kids mouth after mass consumption of fruit punch. Though typically found in shades of red it can also be found in green, orange, purple, and blue. Punch face is usually accompanied by cookie crumbs, childhood obesity and an impoverished single mother.

Jake: " Hey bro that kids face is sunburned around his lips."

Brandon: " Nah man see the cookie crumbs on his shirt? He's dealing with chronic punch face."

by The amazing Brando May 8, 2014

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Punch Face


A reference to the type of face adorning someone who you want/need to punch in the face, with or without justification.

I'm so sick of my fucking boss. He has a serious punch face.

by on the way out February 4, 2010

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Punch Face

A face that immediately makes the person seem like a complete tool and makes you want to punch it.

Cathy: Fuck, I hate him

Me: Yea, he really has a punch face

by hisrealnamestartswithaC June 9, 2010

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Punch Face

a face that makes you have the urge to want to punch it. most of the time a face that is scrunched up as if they just sucked on a lemon and is ugly, unsightly, generally hard to look at.

Dude that chick over there has a punch face. Its all scrunched up and hard to look at. i feel the overwhelming urge to punch her in the face.

by man interrupted January 6, 2012

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punch face dick

First getting punched in the face and then immediately getting dick slapped in the face with a penis, usually violently. It may be for pleasure or for pain, depending on circumstance.

It also may be used to arouse a crowd or special someone during the heat of the moment in any arena.

"Mary, if you don't listen to me, you're gonna get punch face dicked."

"I wanna get punch face dick drunk tonight!"

"Your actions deserve a punch face dick for what you did."

"I'm gonna punch face dick you so hard tonight you sexy bitch."

(song building)"Punch face dick! Punch face dick! Punch face dick! Take it in the face if you don't like that shit!"

by Emily Thorne January 13, 2012

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Punch Me Face

A term given to a person, usually a man, that has an excruciating characteristic, usually physical, that makes you unwillingly want to deck them in the face. They pretty much look like huge assholes, you'll know one when you see one. They may not necessarily be an asshole. Jack Nicholson and AJ Pierzynski have intense punch me faces.

"I got fired from work today."
"No shit? Why?"
"I don't know, my boss just has this punch me face."

by ShaneP!!! June 11, 2007

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punch the face of god

The most epic action imaginable. Must be done while wearing a wolf shirt. Successful completion of this action will bring total consciousness and a plethora of lulz.

Climb the highest mountain, punch the face of God

by ADCS May 21, 2009

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