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pure evil

See Dick Cheney, Ashcroft. An adjectectal phrase meaning a person is not good. More specifically, they don't give a shit about anyone but themselves, their money and anyone who might help them get their money.

Dick Cheney is pure evil and I fucking hate him

by Attractive Nun July 8, 2004

262πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

pure evil

Clash of clans:
By far the most evil, mean, cold and heartless people who before resource storages were immune to spell damage in clash of clans would wait until your shield drops...then arrives at your base...drops up to 5 lightning spells, destroying your dark elixir, taking it all then leaving without so much as giving you a shield...you still get trophies though :) But when you were 1000 dark elixir away from upgrading your barbarian king and suddenly you lost 7000 more...

Someone raided my base yesterday and dropped 5 lightning spells on my dark elixir storage...what pure evil

by Stevenvival March 18, 2018

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Aftab Pure Evil

An Indian politician in Cincinnati with a hot ass wife

Man I want to tap Aftab pure evil's wife so bad dude

by D Flawless November 19, 2021

24πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

pure fucking evil

Basically someone who goes behind your back and doesn’t give a shit about who gets hurt in the process but as long as she gets her own way everything’s good

Megan is pure fucking evil

by Hahahahalololivia August 15, 2018

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Pure Evil

A Pure Evil is the worst of the worst. These people are abhorrent monsters who seek to cause chaos for their selfish and immoral gain and are completely irredeemable. They are the opposite of Pure Good. Here are their defining traits, as said on the Villains Wiki:
They have passed the Moral Event Horizon at least once (a term for when a character has shown they are irredeemable in the story).
They do not have true love for anyone and only care about themselves, if they claim to have love, that "love" is just perversion, possessiveness, or obsession.
Absolutely NOTHING justifies their actions, they are not positive at all, and they are beyond redemption.
These are just simple villains, Anti-Villains can never count, seeing how they play the role of a villain but have noble intent.
They know what they are doing are wrong, and they know what right and wrong is, but they only choose to do the latter.
They are not mindless beings of destruction (that would be a Generic Doomsday Villain), they have defined motives.

Person 1: So is Joker Pure Evil?
Person 2: Depends on which type, Person 1.

by VietnameseNoodleFan May 2, 2024