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A common behavior seen in FFAs in Dawn Of War Soulstorm. mastered by the infamous PWAF. Simply put, pwafiteering is the act of sucessfully selling your opponents the idea they should attack someone else instead of you. This is always accomplished by making snide remarks and complaining about someone else in the FFA. Usually if the pwafiteering is successful then you should call your remaining opponents noobs and idiots as you steamroll them.

Another example of pwafiteering is convincing someone to not attack and then verbally shitting on them about not attacking after you have taken advantage. This is usually done on maps like aceria forest, where everyone is cramped and angry, and you can be attacked in multiple directions.
Pwafiteering is different from homesteading or loitering, because both rely on the deliberate mercy or obliviousness of the opponent to occur.
Similarly enthralling, teaming and proxying is different from pwafiteering, as it involves no alliance making or enslavement of lesser players.

Pwafiteering is the art of convincing 2 or more players to kill eachother instead of you, and then finishing off whoever survived, or backdooring them when they are otherwise occupied.

I was on my way to t3 then march started pwafiteering. That tau noob walked his fire warriors all the way across the map to die hideously. Then just as i had moved out to defend theres termies in my base. Pwafiteering is the only way march can beat me lol.

by Fugly cuckling April 28, 2021