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A word used to describe a song that is heat or fire but to the 1000th degree. A song that has a pyroclastic flow is best charactered by how it will blow out your speakers while ending human actual existence at the same time, just like a real pyroclastic flow.

Person 1: Have you listened to Floor 555 by XXXTENTACION
Person 2: Fuck yes, that is pyroclastic

by VasMan March 31, 2020

Pyroclastic flow

Pyroclastic flow is Ice Cube's gangsta flow. It's his ability to rhyme to cool beats, and gangsta lyrics.

Official definition of Pyroclastic flow by Ice Cube :
What's the definition of a pyroclastic flow?
That's what happens when a volcano blow
That's what happens when Ice Cube starts to flow
Red hot lava mixed with saliva
Pulverising everything in its wake
Nothing can survive a pyroclastic flow

by Cube fan August 21, 2008

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Pyroclastic Flow

What happens when a volcano blow, thats what happens when ice cube starts to flow



by J-Pol Hong Kong August 26, 2008

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Pyroclastic Fart

A Pyroclastic Fart is named after 'pyroclastic density current'; a volcanic event of considerable destructive power.

A Pyroclastic Fart is characterised by several key factors. It is a fast moving jet of particles of varying size and superheated gas. Too dense to be supported by air; it rushes down ones legs and spreads out on the floor in a shock wave. It behaves like a fluid; with lethal effect.

A: "wow man, that was a seriously Wet One!"
B: "Worse than, it was a Pyroclastic Fart"
A: "Oh no..."
B: "yeah, its Pompeii all over again."

by Jack$ November 1, 2007

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pyroclastic flow

A fast-moving cloud of superheated volcanic gasses, ash, and rock that hug the ground and even the surface of the sea as they rush at speeds of up to 450 mph, destroying anything in their paths.
Pyroclastic flows are usually the result of centuries of pent-up stress within the volcano; thick, sticky magma plugs the vent of the volcano and thus builds greater and greater pressure until it explodes.
Usually the flow is denser than the surrounding air and instead of flowing vertically, they rush along the ground, sweeping over hills and ridges like the said hills and ridges don't even exist.

Pyroclastic flows can reach temperatures as high as 1830 degrees F, and the average temperature is about half that; hot enough to boil the blood in one's body and effectively flash-cook you alive. Some victims are charred while others get fatal steam burns.

In short, a far more forceful and dangerous force than lava and more difficult to escape, due to their speed and intense heat.

Pompeii and Herculaneum were destroyed in 79 CE when Mount Vesuvius exploded, sending a pyroclastic flow barreling toward both towns, searing the lungs and burning the flesh of anybody who would not or could not flee.

May 8, 1902, about 30,000 people were killed in St. Pierre, Martinique, when Mt. Pelee sent a pyroclastic flow over the city.

Mount St. Helens famously erupted with a pyroclastic flow turning the surrounding forest into a lunar landscape.

The fringes of the pyroclastic flow do not always cut a clear line between life and death; survivors at the fringes often endure hideous burns.

by Lorelili August 9, 2012

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Pyroclastic Cloud

A Pyroclastic Cloud is a term borrowed from volcanoes. It is also used to refer to a restroom occurence, most applicable for men. This would be when you are in need of performing a bowel movement, and it is urgent for one reason or another (this usually happens on a hot day), and you rush to the restroom, and to save time you pull down your shorts while you are bending to sit down, your nose travells directly through the plume of groinal sweat odors released from your underwear.

Bill: Hey Jim, I just ran to pinch of a load and got stuck in the pyroclastic cloud.

Jim: Oh man, thats sick, slow down next time, let it disperse.

by Shake Zula May 23, 2005

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pyroclastic surge

(n.) Hot rock, solidified lava rushing down the side of a volcano at 200mph. Followed by lava itself sometimes. Known to pwn teh pompeii

A pyroclastic surge hit pomeii, followed by several more.

by Gumba Gumba June 2, 2004

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