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QB Sneak

The act of dropping a quarter bar of xanax in a friend's drink to ensure that they have the best night possible

John pulled a QB sneak on me last night at pourhouse and now I don't remember anything

by Jaybird42 January 13, 2015

267πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

QB Sneak

The act of fucking your partner from behind and you gently wipe your ass with the index and middle fingers on left and right hands and proceed to yell "blue forty two, blue forty two, set, hut hut, hike" and smear the feces under her eyes similar to eye black.

Matt QB sneaked me last week and hasn't called me back ever since.

by Boombox Billy and Willem Dafoe November 6, 2011

47πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž

QB Sneak

You're fucking a girl from behind. Right before you cum, pull out. then you spit on her back and say your done, then you get her to turn over. as soon as she turns over shove her face towards your dick and squirt in her eyes.

John: Dude why'd brittany break up with you?
Josh: cause, i pulled a qb sneak on her
John: awesome *high fives*

by TRkeatz January 6, 2010

23πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


An extension from doggy style, the QB-Sneak is inserting the thumb into the anus with the fingers up like your holding a football.

I like doing doggy style but it gets better when you qb-sneak.

by Bluntin April 26, 2020

8πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

QB sneak

when playing football and you are the quarterback, instead of getting the ball, you accidently grab the person in front of you's balls.

Dammit that stupid quarter back did a qb sneak on me

by youtouchmytralala October 16, 2007

21πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

qb sneak

When playing Fart Football, you let a silent but deadly fart(SBD).

Dude wtf is that smell? qb sneak,and im going for 2.

by wvumountys88 November 16, 2007

9πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

QB Sneak

You’re having sex with a girl, finish on her face and then immediately roll out to grab a towel and then drop back with it and throw it at her face as she’s already blinded.

Hey man I was with Chelsea and hit a QB Sneak!

by MC2020 October 8, 2023