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qoh means "queen of hearts". it's when a girl of colour (typically an asian girl) only goes for white kings/bulls/studs, or if they're with an asian man - she only gets fucked by a big white cock. when an asian girl goes white, that's called being bleached/whitened and has a popular saying that goes: "once an asian goes white, you'll never have to fight". meaning that when your asian girlfriend has sex with a white man she never has sex with an asian man due to their feminine nature and tiny dicks.

it's widely known that asian girls only like bwc or at least secretly crave it (they may just be shy to admit or come out about it). the reason why the qoh card was chosen and not anything else; is because asian women only find true love and pleasure in sex when it comes from a white alpha male bull/king. they never get pleasured from their pathetic asian boyfriends - only from hung white studs with big, fat, veiny cocks.

a lot of asian women are known/seen to have qoh tattoos on their ass, tits etc to show white and asian men what they want without necessarily saying it out loud

hey did you hear lily chi got a qoh tattoo on her ass and tits? she really wants people to know she's ready to breed white/asian mixed babies. she's ready to take big white superior alpha male manly cock to show her love for white kings. her pathetic asian boyfriend haitao can't come close to competing with michael. haitao told me she gets pounded by mikes bwc every other day, shit's crazy man!

by iLikebTags June 1, 2022

44👍 21👎


qoh means "queen of hearts". this is a tattoo asian women get after being bleached by a white king/bull. the reason why the queen of hearts was chosen is that it shows the queen (in this case an asian woman) loves (hence the queen of HEARTS) big white cock. when an asian woman has their first sexual experience with a white man they will never go back to tiny itty bitty asian dicks.

hey man did you know that lily chi got a qoh tattoo on her ass? she really wants everyone to know she's built to breed asian/white mixed babies. matthias fucked her so good she instantly got addicted

by iLikebTags June 2, 2022

19👍 11👎