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Quantum Materialism

Quantum Materialism is a materialistic philosophy that seeks to adapt materialism into quantum mechanics, quantum materialism advocated the whole matter is universe is based on quantum mechanics, where it is possible of quantum mechanics to have influence in the whole universe and existence, even in a small level where modern science cannot realize, having the need of deep and advanced studies and devices for prove that quantum mechanics have influence at macro level and that the whole universe can work at superquantum level.

"Quantum materialism advocates that the conscience exists at the sub-atomic level, where the atoms of the person are its conscience, where when a person dies, his atoms returns to the nature and might reincarnate as a human or as any living being again, but it needs a massive and advanced quantum studies and devices for prove it."

"Quantum materialism advocates that superquantum mechanics is actually a thing, but humans and its current devices cannot realize it, needing the creation of advanced devices for turn this studies possible and the creation of technologies for possibility people use superquantum mechanics for improve human condition and for evolve humans."

"Quantum materialism is friends with extraphysical materialism, advocating extraphysical materialism is just an advanced stage of materialism and might be a complement of quantum materialism."

by Full Monteirism January 6, 2021