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quantum entanglement

An affair with a particle physicist.

Now that would be telling.

by Buddhabing November 4, 2004

42đź‘Ť 15đź‘Ž

quantum entanglement

Those moments / times when someone and you have the "connections" "awareness" simultaneously, although separated by great distance. Like string theory, it is "felt" but not necessarily visible.

Alan and Sharon experienced quantum entanglement when both phoned each other at the exact same time, hearing no ringing, but voices connected and both began speaking with each other about the Kleinbottles they had discussed several weeks ago.

by Empresseffie January 28, 2013

8đź‘Ť 4đź‘Ž

Quantum Entanglment of Thought

Quantum Entanglement of Thought: When you Sync with some one, you think alike, when you think about someone and they text mEssagE you. You finish each otheR’s sentences. You think alike, you makE decisions collaborativelY without prior discussion.

Quantum Entanglment Of Thought: OmG I was just thinking of you, and you texted me. I haven’t heard from you in so long but just now I was thinking of you and you sent me a message! We Totally have Quatum Entanglement Of Thought!

Quantum Entanglement of Thoight:
I was going to ask you to pick up ice cream from the grocery store and you brought some home without me even asking, we must have Quantum Entanglemnt of Thought going on!

I was going to ask you to make noodle soup for me.

OmG! I was totally going to make an egg samich but totally wasn’t even wanting noodle soup but made it any ways! We totally have “Quantum Entanglement Of Thought” Going on! theMekanik RS

by theMekanik February 2, 2019

Chad's Law of Quantum Entanglement

Any article which contains the words 'Quantum Entanglement' must also contain the words 'Spooky action at a distance'. This rule is an absolute physical constant with no variation.

Joe: Every article I read that has the words 'Quantum Entanglement' also has this retarded Einstein quote about actions.

Larry: Yeah, don't you know you ignoramus? It's Chad's Law of Quantum Entanglement. They have to do that. It's a physical constant!

by faxis2k November 19, 2010

4đź‘Ť 2đź‘Ž

Quantum Entanglement of the Self

Quantum Entanglement of the Self posits that individual consciousness is not an isolated phenomenon but an interconnected network of multiple versions of oneself across time, space, and potential realities. Unlike traditional reincarnation concepts that assume a single soul evolving through successive lifetimes, this perspective suggests that all iterations of "you" exist simultaneously, influencing and interacting with each other across different states of being.

Key aspects include:

Simultaneity: All versions of "you" exist at once, rather than in a linear progression.

Interconnected Influence: Just as entangled quantum particles influence each other regardless of distance, different manifestations of "you" may subtly shape your thoughts, emotions, & choices.

The Mycelial Network of the Self: Consciousness may function like a vast, interwoven intelligence network, akin to how mycelium connects trees in a forest, facilitating unseen communication and influence between different aspects of the self.

Guidance Without Intent: Insights, intuitions, or even synchronicities might not be "messages" from another version of you, but rather a natural, involuntary function of this structure

This model redefines selfhood, suggesting that identity is not confined to a singular, isolated being but rather exists within a fractal pattern of existence, where knowledge and experience are exchanged across multiple instances of the self.

As Alex delved deeper into meditation, he began to experience what felt like glimpses of his other selves across different timelines, a sensation he couldn’t explain, but one that resonated with the idea of the Quantum Entanglement of the Self—realizing that his consciousness might be part of a vast, interconnected network of multiple versions of himself, each influencing the other in subtle ways.

by NakedEdmund February 19, 2025

Quantum entanglement

The totally real, non-coke binge fueled theory, that particles can affect other particles at any distance without direct contact. Totally real and not magic.

Quantum entanglement is the science behind voodoo dolls, telepathy and telekinesis.

by February 22, 2024

Quantum Entanglement

When two bodies have quantum entanglement and get close to each other, all they can do is try to become one.

Dude, those two just keep making it whenever they get near each other. They quantum entanglement.

by Blackbird131 October 30, 2019