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An object so permeable it can move through the Quarks in atoms and even pass through space. An object with such a strong magnetic pull that it tears it own Quarks apart. It also forces the atoms around it to hit absolute zero because of E=mc2 where the incredibly low energy increase reduces its mass. For an object to be Quarkeable it needs to objects that have an incredibly strong magnetic pull that are microscopic to collide. If the sun became a blackhole it would be smaller then your bodies blood cells because its so dense. If two blackholes the size of your cells with a magnetic pull 10 trillions times the amount of Jupiter's(which is the planet with the strongest gravitational pull known to man) collided it would create a crescendo so strong it would prep a Quarkeable Mega-dense ball of quarks. Then it would become about the size of atom but would force the atoms around it to hit absolute zero and attract quarks around it thus making it become the size of a basketball. Finally its mass would be so unstable it would be Quarkeable. It would be able to phase through anything. It would be untouchable by anything in the universe including light, dark matter, space, and time itself. It would be everlasting and would never age or change form. It wouldn't do anything though. It would just be an untouchable immortal ball of quarks.

Its an immortal ball of quarks and mass. Who knows how it could be used in a sentence?
Its Quarkeable!

by the guy who did nothing April 8, 2020