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Queen Anne

To undergo at least seventeen pregnancies without carrying to term. Based on the true historical life circumstances of Queen Anne (1702-1707), who presided over Great Britain during the Act of Union.

My wife is going for the Queen Anne.

by The Hot Dog Smuggler September 4, 2014

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Queen Anne

A casual sexual arrangement, (typically a hookup or one night stand), in which the only sexual act performed is cunnilingus, without reciprocation or penetration.

Had another Queen Anne hookup on tinder last night, fine by me!

by dr3am_eateRx May 18, 2021

Queen Anne's Revenge

1. Edward Teach (Blackbeard)'s ship when he became a pirate in the west indies during his early career. Used by him for less than a year but an effective tool in his prize taking He died at the hands of Lieutenant Robert Maynard just at the shore to his great ship.

2. A very good song by Wheels of Poseidon about the life and escapades of Blackbeard, celebrating his life, adventures and the amazing musical genius of Hans Zimmer.

The Queen Anne's Revenge docked in Corsica when Blackbeard wanted to pick up a few wenches for the weekend.

Queen Anne's Revenge became the number 1 download on PirateBay and iTunes because Wheels of Poseidon have no issues with copyright or people pirating their music.

by Shoutin Will Bellamy January 28, 2011

Queen Anne stare

Referring to the Seattle neighborhood's residents' stare when passing each other on the sidewalk. All people involved in a possibly friendly interaction stare just above the head of the tallest person in the opposing position, thus avoiding any possibility of human contact. This technique can also be applied to two people walking their dogs, except the people stare in opposite directions and pretend that they are alone.

The dude gave me the Queen Anne stare even though he still has my cum up his ass.

by lifelicker May 2, 2008

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Park in Queen Anne

anal intercourse

She had the painters in so I had to park in Queen Anne's round the back instead.

by dave_1 December 2, 2008

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Queen Ann

A princess named queen. wonderfully and beautifully created. A Queen ann is beautiful and talented and is usually attracted to To name Dave

Queen Ann is good at music and is so gorgeous.

Wow Queen ann is a damn princess

by davisgenesis June 11, 2021

Queen Anne's Revenge

The sexual act of a man having his partner tie him to a fixed pole, then repeatedly whip him as he tries to hum the entire Pirates of the Caribbean theme song. This continues until the man successfully hums the song without a note being off key.

I still have rope burns from taking Queen Anne's Revenge from that thot I hooked up with last night.

by 3lectronicFan October 6, 2017