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Round Metallic Object. RMOs are collectible coins used in drinking challenges by members of the armed forces and some civilian law enforcement and emergency services groups.

In initiating a challenge, one throws down their RMO. If all others present an RMO as well, the initiator buys drinks. If someone in the group does not present their RMO, they buy the drinks.

Capt. Shitdick threw his RMO on the one day I didn't have mine on me, so I ended up buying the whole squadron drinks.

by SimpleMindedTed June 10, 2008

29👍 4👎


Rocky Mountain Oyster

While in Denver, be sure to find a bar with RMO's.

by OB2too July 29, 2018


Reminds me of.

RMO that one episode of Futurama with the giant reflecting mirror that turned into a death-ray.

by Tekaiguy May 6, 2014

5👍 2👎


RMO is an abbreviation for RANDOM MAKE-OUT. An RMO involves making out with a stranger at random.RMO's usually occur under the influence of alcohol.

Jenna: Damnnn Girl, I don't remember anything about last night.
Cathryn: Well Son you RMO'ed about 5 guys..

by J.Rabbit November 15, 2010

3👍 2👎


Rate my outfit.

I remember 10 year old me joining a IMVU server and saying “RMO!” after spending the 10,000 credits I bought with my moms credit card.

by parielle . October 18, 2019


run me over

paul wesley can literally rmo 😍😍😍

by lil izzy vert January 30, 2021