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1: The better half of the Rosencrantz and Guildenstern duo from the play Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare.

2: Renegade Game Counsellor and all around swell guy.

Rosencrantz is a playa.

by Guildenstern October 1, 2003

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


1) Betrayed by a childhood friend, long-time confidant,
trusted ally, or former-partner.

2) Back-stabbed by a person who has always portrayed
themselves to you as a loyal and trusted friend.

From the play "Hamlet", in which Prince Hamlet's boyhood friends Rosencrantz & Guildenstern pretend to be loyal to Hamlet so they could spy on him and report back to the treasonous new King (Hamlet’s uncle, who slept with his mother, killed his father, and stole the thrown of Denmark).

Just like in the play (spoiler-alert) you should have anyone who Rosencrantzes you killed when the time is right. People who Rosencrantz their most trusted friends will betray anyone and everyone eventually; they have no loyalty, no pride, and thus no place among men nor any business in a profession of honor. They must all be put down for the good of society.

*Not to be confused with Ratted-out or Snitched-upon; you should expect a Snitch or Rat to turn on you eventually, but to be truly Rosencrantzed requires betrayal by a seemingly loyal friend you have a long, trusting history with.

"Guess what, I was Rosencrantzed by Tommy last week. Why would he do that? I've known him for years; I let him have my car for 3 months after he got married and gave him a butt-load of money when his wife had their baby. And what, did he think I wouldn't find out? Yeah, of course kill him, but wait until after Christmas."

by goodcop8 November 24, 2007

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1) One who faslely betrays the confidence of a childhood friend, trusted ally, or former-partner.

2) One who, without reason or provocation, lies and back-stabbs a loyal freind who has always helped them and been there for them.

From the play "Hamlet", in which Prince Hamlet's boyhood friends, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern, pretend to be loyal to Hamlet so they could spy on him for the King.

"Tommy is a dirty Rosencrantzer: He likes to betray his friends. He thinks that by lying to soil your reputation, his will look cleaner."

by goodcop8 November 24, 2007

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rosencrantz and guildenstern

The (possibly?) gay couple that Hamlet is friends with in the play of the same name.

They are duped by Claudius into escorting Hamlet to England to be killed, but Hamlet escapes. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern then unwittingly meet the English King, and and hand him a letter instructing him to kill them both. They die. Nobody cares.

In the play, they always appear together, and seem to be entirely co-dependent. They have no real individual traits.

Despite the fact that they are fairly minor characters, they have a sort of cult status. Tom Stoppard wrote a famous play called "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead", which tells the story of Hamlet from their perspective.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in Hamlet...

Which dreams indeed are ambition, for the very substance of the ambition is merely the shadow of a dream.

A dream itself is like a shadow.

Truly, and I hold ambition of so airy and light a quality that it is but a shadow's shadow.

by Drama_King March 11, 2008

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rosencrantz and guildenstern


1. warning given to not kill the messenger

Don't get all rosencrantz and guildenstern on me, but I saw your sister in a gangbang video involving midgets and animals.

by qcmonkey August 9, 2009

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Rosencrantz and Guildenstern

Minor characters of Hamlet, Childhood friends of Hamlet

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern's motto was Ingen Bekymringer which also means No worries for the rest of your days, which taught Hamlet to ignore responsibility and just ignore the whole Claudius thing.

Rosen and Guilden are also probably dead, but I haven't read the original story, and I don't plan on doing so... 29,551 WORDS?!?!

by IntergalactalEnergy December 9, 2022