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Racer Douche

A subspecies of the common douche. The racer douche is always male and generally falls in the age range of 16-24, but can be older. Like the common douche, the racer douche can be readily identified by his love of graphic t shirts and white plastic frame sun glasses. Additionally, the racer douche believes he is a driver of exceptional capability and spends the bulk of his discretionary income buying after-market kits to increase the horsepower of his Honda Civic. The racer douche sees himself as popular with women, despite rarely having a girlfriend or wife, and spending most of his free time talking to his “bros” about the sweet rims he’s saving up for. The racer douche seldom reads anything other than car magazines and unironically loves the Fast and Furious movie franchise.

Matt’s love of his Miata is getting out of hand, he just spent $1000 dollars on used rims, do you suppose he’s turning into a racer douche?

by Topper 7770 July 3, 2011