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Radioactive rage

Song by J. Grimes (junior Grimes) notable for being closer to his uk roots and for being an unofficial diss to the trash ass rappers from Lee’s summit, MO

Originally released in 2019

J grimes performed “radioactive rage” at the riot room in kc

by Toxicity007 October 8, 2021

Radioactive Rage

🔥 song by J grimes that was released unofficially in 2019, often considered a low key diss to other rappers in the midwest.


radioactive rage is one of the earliest songs from j grimes plethora of songs which have yet to see the lift of day.

J Grimes released radioactive rage and no one doubted his reasoning behind it

Radioactive rage is a grand scheme of a track trapped inside an amateurish recorded song

Junior grimes wrote radioactive rage and studio did the rest

by Savingymroutine66 January 19, 2022