A last name that is so powerrrfull! Hasandzekic got NOTHING on them. They are loving and beautiful. If u meet a Radoncic, keep them. They are the most loyal people you will ever meet!!!
“Hey a just met I person with the last name radoncic, they are amazing”
“Omgggg I love them”
Radončić is a surname found mostly in Montenegro and the Sandžak region of Serbia. Radončić last name represents power, loyalty and respect. Radoncic gatherings usually results in long debates over which car is the better on #BMW or #Mercedes-Benz. Radoncic male cousins address each others as “gdje smo turci”. You can find a Radoncic household in anywhere in the world.
cousin Samir: “gdje smo Radonciciiiiii”
uncle Elvis: “kako se prezivas ti? Ja sam Radoncic”
Of the Balkan surnames Radoncic is the largest and most powerful. They include billionaires, athletes, heads of state, those with specialized skills, and Ivy League graduates.
A Radoncic can recognize another Radoncic from a distance, they then greet each other in a specialized way, in which only they can…
“Radonciciiiiiiii, Djesmo Jebe ti li sta”
“ Alooo Turciiiiiiii, djesi Brattt Mojjjjj”
“ ohhhhhh Samireeeeeee, nije ti bas mal kobacicaaa”