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A man who finds for his soulmate by searching for a woman of exact image to himself.

Dude, she looks just like you...don't go there, thats just Ratcliffe!

by Ricardo Head March 22, 2008

13πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


used as a last name, ratcliff comes from the saying rat on a cliff. People with the last name Ratcliff, sometimes spelled Ratcliffe, are of royal blood and should be respected. If you know someone with this last name, next time you see them please bow before them!

I was graced with the presence of a Ratcliff!

by cwittifer August 26, 2008

60πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


1; Any parasitic invertebrate, most often the common leech. May be used as an insult, comparing the target to a parasite.

2; Congressman John Ratcliffe, Republican, or the 4th Congressional District of Texas, commonly believed to have no balls or spine.

"That right there? Ratcliffe. Fuckin' bloodsuckers."

"Ratcliffe? You mean the guy with no nuts, or like a tick?"

"You're a goddamned Ratcliffe is what you are."

by MohawkIslander May 30, 2019

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Daniel Ratcliffe

Tesco is using his wifi as we speak

Jake: Daniel Ratcliffe i just got this monkey in bikini

Daniel: Its a gift from rockstar

by Triongl December 20, 2020

ava ratcliffe

A super hot, funny girl that no one likes because she is β€œannoying” even though she is super underrated. She would back you up in a fight and is confident because she believes to fake it till you make it. She is a bad bitch and have I already said super good looking?

Person 1: Did you see that new girl?
Person 2: Yeah! She is such an Ava Ratcliffe

by Supershrexymegamind December 14, 2020

Tori Ratcliffe

Uses an android and plays gatcha life.

Oh yea that's a Tori Ratcliffe.

by matilda0044 July 20, 2021

John Dirty Ratcliffe

A clearly bribable ignoramus who has no background in intelligence who would be the right arm of the 45th President of the United States, just as AG William Barr is the left.

I am announcing my appointment of John Dirty Ratcliffe to the highest office in the intelligence world, whatever that office is called.

by Dr Bunnygirl July 30, 2019

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