The war fought in a series of ongoing battles between society's most powerful entities as they endeavor to convince as many people as possible to accept their version of reality and think, feel, and act accordingly.
Reality is essentially what is accepted as existing, in other words, "what is." To convince others to believe that reality is what they say it is, religious organizations, governments, corporations, mass media outlets, universities, writers, intellectuals, artists, musicians, singers and other performers, scientists, and the masses all engage in the Reality War in as best their money and other resources permit.
There are personal, past, present, proposed, debunked, fraudulent, altruistic, positive, negative, imagined, factual, fictitious, and many other types of realities.
Some realities are more extensive and complex, and it is generally impossible to conclusively prove whether a reality is true or false.
The first reality to exist was and is the Original Reality and those who believe God created everything accept it as the one true reality, undistorted by the now almost ubiquitous overt, covert, or subliminal messages to the contrary.
The war fought in a series of ongoing battles between society's most powerful entities as they endeavor to convince as many people as possible to accept their version of reality and think, feel, and act accordingly.
Reality is essentially what is accepted as existing, in other words, "what is." To convince others to believe that reality is what they say it is, religious organizations, governments, corporations, mass media outlets, universities, writers, intellectuals, artists, musicians, singers and other performers, scientists, and the masses all engage in the Reality War in as best their money and other resources permit.
There are personal, past, present, proposed, debunked, fraudulent, altruistic, positive, negative, imagined, factual, fictitious, and many other types of realities.
Some realities are more extensive and complex, and it is generally impossible to conclusively prove whether a reality is true or false.
The first reality to exist was and is the Original Reality and those who believe God created everything accept it as the one true reality, undistorted by the now almost ubiquitous overt, covert, or subliminal messages to the contrary.
The inherently unresolvable conflict between the things individuals believe.
Because each individual comes to believe the things he or she believes as a result of his or her experiences, different individuals will always have certain beliefs which are different or even opposite the beliefs others have, and at different times will in some way need to fight in what is the "truth and reality war."
Beliefs are thoughts linked to an emotion.
"Live and let live."
The inherently unresolvable conflict between the things individuals believe.
Because each individual comes to believe the things he or she believes as a result of his or her experiences, different individuals will always have certain beliefs which are from different to opposite the beliefs others have, and at different times will need to fight in the "truth and reality war."
Beliefs are thoughts linked to an emotion.
"Live and let live."