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Red Bird

The female version of the Spider-Man.

While on her period the female pulls bloody discharge from her vagina and flings it in the face of the male while cawing.

Girl: I caught my boyfriend cheating on me last week so I hit him with that red bird.

Girls friend: damn your sick bitch!

by Gbaby October 15, 2012

40👍 14👎

Red Bird

A red bird is another name for a redneck.

"Man, that guy was such a Red Bird."

by Brnrbr December 29, 2011

9👍 10👎

Great red bird

the bird that brought to humans the following:
1. intelligence (misery comes free!)
2. The need to dominate all that is happy
also the bird that brought us out of our brutal ignorance, dumbness, numbness (also known as Adam's Apple for all those christians. for normal atheists its just the great red bird)

1. Fuck that fucking great red bird w/out him I'd be happy
2. I don't know what we would be doing without the great red bird, we'd still be apes...

by geatredbird April 19, 2006

3👍 5👎

Red Bird

Ginger Cock

Damn that guy must have a ginger cock he's a real Red Bird

by jayyymaxi January 11, 2023