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Religious Tourettes

An affliction most commonly with those who attend a religious congregation frequently, inwhich the person yells out affirmations of what the religious speaker is saying. It is found mostly in the christian religion.

Common Words and phrases yelled are hallelujah, amen, glory be with us, and praise jesus.

That woman keeps yelling hallelujah at the preacher... I think she has Religious Tourettes.

by Adam Hobbs August 30, 2008

79👍 9👎

Religious Tourettes

An affliction most commonly to those who attend church. It is the yelling out of affirmations to the preachers words during a sermon. Commons words and phrases yelled are amen, hallelujah, and praise jesus.

That woman has religious tourettes.

by Adam Hobbs August 3, 2008

96👍 17👎