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Retard Rocket

Slang term that originated in acient Rome referring to the retard form of tranportation, which during those times was a chariot with square wheels. Currently known as the short bus, which my current roommate takes to college everyday. His name is Andy.

Andy, climb your fat ass into that retard rocket or your masturbating priveleges will be taken away.

by John Molstad April 18, 2005

135πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

Retard Rocket

A disparaging term often used to refer to riders of a Special Needs bus. So-called because they often assume that we are all 'Retards', which is not true for several reasons,

A. being that many of us are autistic or have cerebral palsy, a seizure disorder or some sort of physical disability, or require a service dog due to phsychological problems, blindness, or deafness- none of the above being neccesarily congruent with Mental Retardation in any way, and in fact most often being accompanied by a normal or even Above Average, Gifted, or Genius IQ.

Reason B. is that while some children and young adults riding the so-called 'Retard Rocket' may have Down Syndrome or Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (fas)or, some other disability accompanied or characterised by Mental Retardation, they are in fact not 'Retards,' they are people, with personalities, emotions, talents, and challenges- and especially considering that there is no such thing as a 'Retard' because the word RETARD is, in fact, a verb, meaning 'to slow or stunt'.

Jerk #1: Hey, look, here comes the Retard Rocket! Here comes your bus, John!

John: Shut up! It's YOUR bus, noob!

Special Needs Rider: Actually, it's MY bus. I'd positively LOVE to stay and chat with you two LOVELY young gentlemen, but I'm afraid that I have AP Literature first period and I would just hate to be late for that, especially since we're doing an in-depth study of Snorri Sturluson's Eddas, both Poetic and Prose, and I am eternally enamoured of Norse Mythology. Although I must say, one of my favourites actually has to be RagnarsdrΓ‘pa, wouldn't you say? Well, I'd better go, or the aide will get angry. She's so testy! *to aide* Coming! *to jerks* Bye now!

*blank expressions*

Jerk #1: *Drools stupidly* Uhhhh...whaaatt?

Johnny: Uhhhm...Eye-Dee-Kay. Something about....Eddie?

Jerk #1: Isn't he, like, in our math class?

by Sithstress August 21, 2009

19πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

retard rocket

Word for the short bus that the "special" kids at school ride.

runaway retard rocket!!!!

by Potato Reborn March 5, 2004

86πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

retard rocket

a small bus no longer than any van that is used to transport retards from place to place and sort of looks like a rocket

the retard rocket wizzzed by me and it went on its mission to the moon!

by Anna Nichole Smith February 14, 2007

41πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Retard Rocket

The short bus which mentally challenged children ride

all those dirt balls who ride the retard rocket

by Bumlordio March 8, 2020

Retard Rocket

Another term for short bus

Person: look at that retard rocket

by DragonSlaya1593 September 17, 2018