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Retarded asshole

A person who is mentality not all there and is a jerk or doesn't care how their actions affect people.

"John stole my homework and ripped it up."
"What a retarded asshole."

by Diamond V May 17, 2018

retarded asshole

A person who lives in a shit hole that takes your shit and gives it to some one else

That Steven kid is a retarded asshole

by All in your head April 17, 2016

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RA(retarded assholes)

The RA(referees' ASSociation) more like the retarded assholes are a group of retards who should be imprisoned for false advertisement. All they tell people is how well they are trained and educated and how they make very good decisions. But in reality it's the opposite. They can't see anything as they don't have their glasses and their just plain stupid. I wonder how their education makes idiot sandwiches?

The RA(retarded assholes) are looking to buy some glasses but their too retarded to find one.

by Shamegod September 10, 2017

retarded fucking assholes

complete fucking douchebags

see words guitar.com and misc etc.

misc tards are dumber than a fat retard playin in his own shit

by I AM GHANDI April 19, 2004

38👍 18👎

retard your asshole

Otherwise known as the ole Kyle Coleman. It is the act absolutely destroying the rectal opening beyond repair. Similar to damaging the brain and requiring a helmet for life.

He forgot my jacket this time and if you do it again I will retard your asshole.

by XxMRWORLDWIDExX October 26, 2018

6👍 2👎

Asshole Retard

n., 1. Someone who doesn't know his ass from a retard in the ground.

use: "Look at that fucking idiot, what an asshole retard."

Origin: Started when it was no longer enough to just call someone an asshole or a retard.

1. Those kids who do backyard wrestling. Somehow throwing your best friend off the roof of his house equals fun for these assholes. The retard portion is just kind of implied since they thought this was a good idea in the first place.

2. The 1985 Chicago Bears for there rendition of the "Super Bowl Shuffle". Read the lyrics and you will agree. Some examples include "running the ball is like making romance", "I practice all day, dance all night", and of course "I run like lightnin', pass like thunder." If this is not the definition of asshole retard I don't know what is.

3. Anyone with a mullet.

4. Those guys who have "bumper balls" hanging from the trailer hitch of their truck. See bumperballs.com for plenty of examples.

by Turd Ferguson February 4, 2005

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