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A person who posts stupid or annoying answers to earnest questions on internet forums or in life. As distinguished from a “troll” as they (at least at one time) believe they are acting as the voice of reason. Often they will also be unnecessarily harsh to Noobs.
Frequently they will expect you to work around a problem in a completely inconvenient or humiliating way rather than offering a solution, or the words which they dread the most “I don’t know.”
Ie. They will tell you to take the bus instead of explaining how to fix your car; to use a typewriter instead of getting rid of malware; to go naked instead of bleaching a stain… They haunt technical troubleshooting forums and yahoo answers.

“Just ignore the previous post, the guy’s a total Rhonde”

I came here for proper practical advice, no need to be such a Rhonde about it!”

by breckonridge October 18, 2010

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