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Riemann Hypothesis

Without question, THE most important unsolved problem in all of mathematics. The hypothesis, put forth by Bernhard Riemann in 1859, states that ALL non-trivial zeros of the Zeta function have a real part of one-half. Another way to put this is that the distribution of numbers with an odd number of prime factors vs. those with and even number of prime factors is roughly 50/50. Anyone who can prove the Riemann Hypothesis without the aid of a computer will win a $1,000,000 prize. A great deal of mathematical theorems rest on the assumption that this hypothesis is true. If anyone can find a non-trivial zero of Zeta with a real part not equal to 1/2 will destroy a lot of mathematical work, and become very famous.

The Zeta function = 1 + 1/2^S + 1/3^S + 1/4^S .... to infinity. The Riemann Hypothesis states that Zeta = 0 only when the real part of S = 1/2 (non-trivial zeros on the critical line). Has eluded a proof for almost 150 years.

by Ignatz April 29, 2008

52👍 19👎

Riemann hypothesis

On critical strip 1/2 are either liquid or solid(crystal). Terence Tao talks about freezing the function of Riemann hypothesis.

Dark matter 28% loves cryogenic temperatures as runners do or healing process of our body. Anyway..
Function 🛐(💎) is periodical for solids. And nonperiodical for liquids.

Gasses would be on one of 4 possible points X that are among 0 & 1, just not on 1/2.
But by definition those zeros, although famous would be the unlucky ones. Because no one ever found any zero outside of 1/2.

It is the answer to what 11d brain is. Why there is symmetry.

Other mathematical questions are:
about twin prime pairs..how many of them is there?
Every even number is or isn't sum of two primes?
Odd perfect numbers exist or not?
Are there infinitely many Fibonacci primes?
Does diophantine quintuples exist?

Ranks of elliptic curves. Class.
Maximal order of elements in permutation groups.
Primality test- running time.
Quadratic forms. Etc.

Zeta symbol reminds in 791 number. Tail is 1, a pole, where is infinity and where function is not defined. Master Tailor starts with S. And almost if after 3rd move change direction. 123
See also Heesch's numbers. Squaring circles. Limits.

)|( is Gordian knot. ⬜🎯⬛

⛢ ♅ 3 in 1 polarisation of light 137 alpha
7up connection 7-8. E🎱 math. 138☀🔱(Atlantian symbols)

Birkenland currents.
All RH related.

Energy levels of Uranium shell acts like they talk or listen music of primes. Riemann hypothesis probably has connections to what dark matter and hollowgrammic negative of our reality are.

by Atlantian April 2, 2019

3👍 2👎

Riemann hypothesis

The Riemann hypothesis indicates that the two circles that comprise time in omnism (supersymmetric and metaformalist) are distinct in that the metaformalist-circle is uncountability spinning around itself whereas the super-symmetric circle is infinity merely spinning.

Furthermore the zeta functions exist at even real numbers and complex numbers with real part 1/2; which are in 1-to-1 correspondence with the perimeters of pseudorandom surfaces (which have a discrete surface area and irrational perimeters).

The upshot of this is that there are infinity^infinity zeroes ('Windows of Krishna' in Krishnism) and one "1."

The Riemann Zeta Function tells us about the distribution of prime numbers.

Specifically it tells that the perimeter of a pseudo-rational surface has 1-to-1 relationship with the surface area of a complex ellipse (which is also called a "complex" number).

A complex number is the surface area of the elliptical surface between a transfinite number and its most adjacent transfinite number with the base of the ellipse (draw-distance from the center of one transfinite number to the next transfinite number) equivalent to the surface area of the starting transfinite number and the arc-length of the ellipse equivalent to the irrational perimeter of the transfinite surface.

The Riemann hypothesis thus tells how thoughts and ideas become one-and the same by showing that the irrational perimeters of transfinite surfaces (a special instance of pseudo-rational surfaces) are equal in value to the elliptical surface area that separates two adjacent transfinite surfaces.

Thus: in elliptical-time the pseudorational surfaces BECOME the transfinite draw-distances.

by flightfacilities December 23, 2021