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A kickass high school teacher. Also very sarcastic...and sometimes says things that completely embarrass himself.

Man, Ripkens is a kickass teacher.

by somethingfunny. September 19, 2008

6👍 3👎


A Ripken is a Blumpkin, getting a blowjob while taking a shit, followed by a Rimjob, where your butthole gets licked out. Make sure that the Rimjob came after the Blumpkin. Otherwise it's not a true Ripken.

This move was in fact invented by baseball player Cal Ripken.

Dude I totally got a Ripken from this chick last night, it was intense and she even cleaned up.

TALT Trip 2 traded Ripkens all night during their group solo!

by Trip two July 30, 2011

8👍 5👎


1.A guy with strong arms and is usually really muscular without using steroids
2.A really hard slap in the face for being perverted.
3.A sporty person who is like a brother to me and desired by all girls.

1.Brianna-Ehmagawsh, that guy is such a ripken!
Megan-Do you think it's steriods?
Brianna-No way, he's totally a real ripken!
2.Timmy-Nice pair you got there.
Lisa-Shut up. im soo gonna give you a ripken!
3.Mandi-Look at Ripken! I so heart him!

by MassieGurl19 May 21, 2008

6👍 4👎

Crusty Ripken

When a girl who is not yet wet is pleasured vaginally by a baseball bat three times in a row.

Look at that Grandma, I'd like to crusty Ripken that.

by Bensonscock December 22, 2010

5👍 1👎

cal ripken

when you have three thousand BALLS slammed into your ass over the course of the season

George Michael scored a cal ripken while vacationing in san francisco.

by shikky August 10, 2006

12👍 30👎

Calf Ripken Jr

A super shredded calf muscle, usually owned by a triathlete or other bad ass athlete.

Adam: Man my legs are tired after that 50 mile bike ride!

Dave: Yeah I have to put Calf Ripken Jr on the 15 day DL.

by Mediumdave22 February 2, 2011

60👍 6👎

Fat Cal Ripken

A euphemism for a long-lasting erection which is at once peculiarly enjoyable for the woman or man receiving it and mildly to moderately painful to the man with the Iron Man of stiffies. While sometimes caused by ED (erectile disfunction) medications, this may occur naturally as no long-term studies (or concrete, investigational reporting) has determined this cannot develop and sustain on i's own.

Dude, I had a Fat Cal Ripken with her last night. I was all up in that from closing time till dawn.

by HomeyJ913 October 17, 2010