He does exist, believe it or not. People believe he is a myth, only heard of in legends. You won't find any because there is only one of him. He can fly faster than the speed of sound. He WILL kill you if you betray him.
He is very friendly but also very introverted.
He likes football and by football he means football and not american rugby, so stop saying that is soccer.
He is poor so if you find him anywhere just say hi and give him some money. Not less than 100 bucks, he is not a beggar mind it.
Lastly, yes it is a real name, used by a real human and given by a real human.
Random person: Man, you won't believe what I saw today.....a real Ritanjit.
Another random person: I know
Random person: But how, you weren't there!
Another random person: Because I am Ritanjit. 😎