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road rug

The female equivalent of road head. A female drives a car while simultaneously being eaten out by her male or female friend.

Did you hear Angela crashed her car while Mary was eating her out the other day?

damn, that must have been some good road rug...

by swamp taco November 8, 2011

Road Rug

A dead animal that has been run over so many times that its flat shape resembles a rug.

Guy: Did you find my dog?
Neighbor: Yeah, but he’s a road rug now...

by Merkeddy January 19, 2018

Road Rage Rug Burn

The aftermath of being cut off by someone while driving, and receiving a hand job. The rapid change in momentum of the car caused by slamming the breaks or jerking the steering wheel to avoid the asshole who cut you off, causes your partner to tightly squeeze your cock and gives your penis an Indian burn, giving you a Road Rage Rug Burn.

I bet chlamydia feels better than a road rage rug burn.

by Your friendly neighborhood... October 9, 2015