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Roast Beef with Cheese

(noun) A dirty, stank vagina with long, stretched out, gray labia usually from being worn the hell OUT. A high probabiltiy of being a carrier for multiple STDs.

Bitch, please...you need to take 'yo nasty Roast Beef with Cheese to the clinic and get some antibiotics!

by starlight88 February 4, 2010

6👍 5👎

roast beef and dick cheese sandwich

n: what happens when a girl with roast beef curtains and a boy with an uncircumsized penis have sex. His dick cheese mixes with her roast beef curtains.Throw 2 buns on it and you got a roast beef and dick cheese sandwich!

Dude, Brandon and Shaquisha hooked up last night...they made a roast beef and dick cheese sandwich!

by BlackOutCrew January 14, 2008

37👍 33👎