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romeo and juliet

A tragedy written by William Shakespeare about 400 years ago.

Basically it's about two people who are in "forbidden love" because their parents hate each other, but they get married about 12 hours after they first met.
Yeah, then they get killed about four days later.
A lot of other people die, too.

It's pretty relevant to our time period, since it still happens between couples all over the place.

Abram: Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?
Sampson: I do bite my thumb, sir.
Abram: Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?
Sampson: Is the law of our side if I say ay?
Gregory: No. ):

by geo May 11, 2005

410πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž

romeo and juliet

A tragedy by William Shakespeare.

In the end, Romeo and Juliet both die.


Teacher: Today we will start reading Romeo and Juliet.
Student: Oh, by the way, in the end, Romeo and Juliet die.
Teacher: I'll see you in detention boy!
Student: What the fuck?! They tell you in the fucking prologue!

by I spoil endings March 8, 2004

851πŸ‘ 194πŸ‘Ž

romeo and juliet

A story about horny teenagers.

Act 1: Romeo is sad.why? because he can't get any ass from Rosaline.
Act 3 ( or something): After knowing eachother for only a day,they already screw.


by CrazyassWOoOKid March 4, 2006

771πŸ‘ 185πŸ‘Ž

romeo and juliet

A dumb story that you are forced to read during freshman year or at some point in high school. It is about two sexually aroused teenagers who want to fuck after knowing each other for an hour. They both die in the end oops.

Y'all have to read romeo and juliet this year. Rest in peace.

by mcnuggetdestroyer January 4, 2018

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

romeo and juliet

Romeo and Juliet is not a romance novel. It's a story about two teenagers who are in a relationship for three days, and cause the death of six people.

Sincerely, the readers of Romeo and Juliet.

Teacher: Alrights kids we're gonna read the romance novel called Romeo and Juliet. It's a classic and huge tragedy
Kid 1: No it's not it's a crap story
Kid 2: Yeah there isn't even a smut scene

by pikachocolate June 6, 2014

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

romeo and juliet

romeo and juliet, like in the real story. is considered young love by in other words stupid. romeo is what we call a fuckboy and juliet is what some people would call a whore for falling in love and getting married in two days (you can’t have sex before marriage). in act 1, romeo is very sad and his cousin benvolio agrees that it is a stupid decision to stay a virgin

she’s a whore. basically like juliet. and he’s romeo. lmao romeo and juliet

by www.imfake.com March 14, 2018

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

romeo and juliet

a book about a horny guy and a slutty grl they find each other at a dance and the guy likes for tits for a 14 year old so he sneaks in her room and they fuk then at the end they die its a dumb book dont read

me: mannnn wats up im readin romeo and juliet
friend: awww fuck no i h8 tat book they fuk to much

by steven rago May 3, 2007

83πŸ‘ 119πŸ‘Ž