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roof rack

A poop in the tank of a toilet rather than the bowl.

My buddy did a 'roof rack' at his ex girlfriends house party to get his revenge.

by FriendlyOliver December 26, 2014

2👍 2👎

Egyptian Roof Rack

A sexual manoeuvre whereby the woman positions herself in the form of an upward facing triangle - or pyramid - with her buttocks forming the apex. A man then arranges himself atop the pyramid, clamping his fingers around the woman's pelvis and allowing the gyratory movement caused by their lack of balance to achieve climax.

Difficulty Rating - 11/10

Phil - "Hey Brian what are you going to do now you've finished the Kama Sutra?"
Brian - "Well Phil... Have you ever tried the Egyptian Roof Rack? It's a new one..."

by Colonel Fenton Summerville August 8, 2013

Revere roof rack

The roof's tower of snow left behind after hastily (or perhaps lazily) clearing one's vehicle off after a snow storm. Commonly remedied by a trip down the highway.

Me: "Oh shit! Did you see that massive Revere roof rack on the way to the PotsY show last night?"

You: "Yup, I felt bad for the poor bastard behind him on 95."

by DerDoktor January 20, 2014

6👍 1👎