An English stand-up comedian, known for his often improvised sets, based almost entirely around audience members he has conversations with. Originally from Cramlington in Northumberland, he now resides in Australia with wife Fran.
It's difficult to give examples of ross noble, because his style is incredibly physical, but some memorable quotes include:
"How come Miss Universe is only won by people from Earth?"
"Tonight's show is sponsored by Ted Danson's Pizza shack!"
"It's christopher Reeves the Musical!"
*on reading a fortune cookie* "And I was feeling a bit cheeky, so I went 'ooh, it say's 'You have AIDS' ' "
65👍 4👎
Ross Noble has the best hair in radio. He is also funny
Man to hairdresser : Please make me look as good as Ross Noble
74👍 10👎
The funnyest guy alive. Creator of the works borange and flump. Also invented "The Bast" - what he calls Guy Sebastian.
101👍 18👎