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A breed of cats that are the result of multiple fathers. These feline offspring are the direct result of promiscuity of their mother during heat, resulting in pregnancy by multiple fathers on the same evening. Offspring may have some commonality with their mother, but share most characteristics of the father whose sperm fertilized one of the many eggs of the female.

A female feline in heat, wanders from male to male collecting contributions for the development of her condition. This event is rare for most feline species, but may occur with un-supervised heat

Look at that Rot-head having sex under the street lamp. We will soon have a litter of new ones.

by rothed September 7, 2010

2👍 1👎

Rot head

A deadly disease that started in northern Minnesota. A person who experiences rot diesase with experience episodes of utter rottenness in the head,

Jake stop being a rot head and do something productive for once or I’ll beat the rot out of you

by Skinnycuck June 8, 2018