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Royal Rumble

Five or more having sex with each other at one time.

I was entry six in the Royal Rumble!

by Joey Orgler 3 February 4, 2008

28👍 52👎

Royal Rumble Ring

An event in which a girl has 30 guys inside of her within the course of an hour.

Last Friday Alexis had a Royal Rumble Ring and everyone was invited.

by Sky Fire January 26, 2019

5👍 3👎

Royal Rumble Match

A fight including more than two opponents.

"Dude did you see that royal rumble match in the cafeteria this morning?? Two girls and a guy!"

by SPHD December 5, 2014

7👍 3👎

royal rumble racquetball

Put two teams of 5 on a racquetball court.... Serve... See what happens!

I broke my ankle playing royal rumble racquetball

I lost an eye playing royal rumble raquetball

by Pete EB February 3, 2018