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Russian New Year

A do-over for a crappy start to one's new year. Celebrated at midnight of any of Russia's 11 time zones, on any day found suitable to start a new year off right.

Rick: I spend the first week of my new year with a psycho girl

Peter: Well I had to shell out $50 for the morning after, this new year sucks!

Rick: We should celebrate Russian New Year for a fresh start for this year!

by Kamelyon January 12, 2011

9👍 3👎

Russian New Year

The beginning of the new year as dictated by the Julian Calendar on January 13th. Still practiced and recognized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

An excuse for alcoholics to have a second new year party.

As Russia lies in 10 different time zones, it is possible to celibate 10 times in one day.

An opportunity for those who suffer from epic failure in the first 2 weeks of the new year get their shit back on track.

Adam, "What are we doing tonight"?

Alex, "What do you mean? It's Russian New Year."

Adam, "So, we're drinking vodka all night?"

by Melancholy Ocelot January 14, 2011

6👍 2👎