The name of a character on the soap opera, "All My Children", portrayed by one of TV's worst actors, Cameron Mathison. Despite how most fans of the show seem to hate his guts and those distracting bulging eyelids, the show and network refuse to write him off even though this solution is likely to increase ratings to enormous highs. His immature mannerisms very similar to King Kong have earned him the nickname, "Ryape" but sadly he's not met his maker atop the Empire State Building. The Pine Valley townsfolk see him as some hero, even though his track record of bloodying people in a fight club, demanding women be subservient to him, attacking cops absent of any remorse, conning innocent people and so forth indicate otherwise to a fan with an IQ at least in double digits. With his current love interesting being Madison North, a woman who killed her husband with a bookend, much of the AMC fanbase wants nothing more than to see Madison argue with Ryan with that object close by so she can go in for the kill and make millions' of fans' dream of a dead Ryan come true.
This character's only tactic is expanding his eyes to nearly bulge out of his sockets. His name must be Ryan Lavery!
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