The highest form of corruption in modern society. Spearheaded by College Board directors, the S.A.T. fails to stand by its pursuit of equality and excellence. Frequently, S.A.T. tests involve scandalous incidents such as the August 25 incident, where many international students flew to America to take the test. Whether by coincidence or not, those students already took those tests; as a result, they knew the answers. The S.A.T. is the Mona Lisa or a modern hydrogen bomb in education-- not just in America, but abroad too. The S.A.T. tests are often unfair, and test scores are curved based on demographics. This action, although not perceived initially, is ultimately racial profiling. The S.A.T. curves tests based off of demographics after the get the average curve. S.A.T. tests and the college board are a true testament to corruption by a monopolistic, liberal, scandalous, lucrative, untrustworthy American corporation that only seeks financial gain at the hands of true students who dream to pursue education and elevate their rigorous academic curriculum to a collegiate level.
S.A.T. Tests are not only unfair, but just straight up wrong.