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A game about Byakuya the 2nd, a horny cook, some lesbian photographer, sailor moon the killer, a scene kid, a dancing lesbian, a clumsy ass nurse, a big boy that turns into robot, a hamstery boy, a hope obsessed dimwit, a gamer girl, a girl that likes food, a princess, an insecure mechanic, a baby gangsta, and Hajime Hinata

Sdr2, is the second game for Dangan ronpa, these 16 talented high school students were put inside the “Hope restoration program.” More well known as the “Neo world program” these students were ridden in despair while in high school. The teacher of the program Usami/Monomi, didn’t expect the killing game to start. The game was a video screen played to the Future foundation, which consists of the Trigger happy havoc survivors. The MC Hajime Hinata, who was dead named by Junko Enoshima, the ultimate despair, at the end of the game, his dead name is Izuru Kamakura, the ultimate hope.

by Kaediot April 8, 2020

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