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when sexual intercourse is terrible and/or laughable. For example, sex in which one or both persons involved wears socks, queafs, is a one minute man, or listens to Jerry Vale.

"Dammit girl I thought we'd get knock da boots fo real but we just had segz."

by Marjorie Flores from Ishcombobbido February 28, 2008

43👍 19👎


segments of tape worm found in feces.

Dude, I think I dropped another seg.

by Matt Parker (parkman47) November 14, 2002

7👍 16👎


Sometimes referred to as "Segary" known in the Sydney region as the "Weight Losing Machine" Although inspired by everyone that he knows. hmmmmmmmmmm lates.

"God damn girl! you just pulled off a Segz! you look amazing!

by Lates al ha Lates April 5, 2013

3👍 5👎

Segz and Eggz

1.) When you give an eggy fart while having sex.

2.) When a fatass has sex with a peng girl.
3.) A motivational phrase that means that you should be happy in your skin/body-positivity.

1.) OMG, this guy was fucking me and then turned it into some segz and eggz.
2.) Yo, my guy Jonny got that peng girl. Damn. This some segz and eggz ting.
3.) Ay yo, segz and eggz. You look great as you are.

by uiwealhfdjkwlahjfkdlshufiea;lh September 30, 2020

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