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snail nail

To have sex with someone at a very slow rate. Doesn't necessarily need to be sensual though.

I brought this girl home from the bar last night. At first i thought she was a total snail nailer but as it turns out she was just retarded.

by drdamage February 22, 2011

3👍 1👎


where u take part in placing a live snail into a womans vagina. if it get caught then you cum in her and lube it up

yo last night i totally snail naled ellen

by victor February 25, 2005

4👍 19👎

Snail trapped your nail

When you make a typo, similar to " did the cat get your tongue?".

Hi Jamie, did the snail trapped your nail cos you're typing like a wussy!

by Pseudoephedrineforyournose November 21, 2019