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An extremely low angle, nude, selfie, containing a shot of the snatch, tits, and face.

I got sent a couple of snatchies taken from under the table.

by pentaerythritol April 3, 2015


(Snatch-y) Snatchy- another word meant to describe something good looking and/or aesthetically pleasing.

Girl 1: Omg her outfit is so snatchy.

Girl 2: That room is snatchy!

by TTYLfriend January 2, 2021

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


any person, usually female, that is in a bad mood

I don't know what's wrong with Priscilla. She went all snatchy on me.

by Brewkie April 14, 2003

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1) To be unintentionally trashy in a sexual sexual sense. ie, slimy, sleazy or dirty without knowing it.

2) Actions or items that result in an unintentional and awkward sexual atmosphere.

1.) Those zebra print stretch pants look "snatchy" even for a stripper.

2.) Sending a cock pic along with your first text message is "snatchy" even if she said "surprise me."

by Tycho B September 27, 2013

26๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term used to accompany the theft of someone's stuff. Not burglary style, but while they are there and not paying attention. Usually for stealing food.

Also a general term of enjoyment, for getting away with something or getting out of a jam.

Group of friends at lunch:

A: Dude, can I have a french fry?
B: No, fuck off.
5 mins later
A: *Takes fry and eats* "Snatchies!"


"Dude, I'm glad that cop was asleep when we blew past him at 90!"
"Yeah especially 'cuz you're not allowed to drive after nine and we're drunk!"

by Notorious R.E.D. February 6, 2007

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


(adj.) 1. A term used to describe someone being a crabby-no-fun-pants. 2. An undesirable taste, scent etc. 3. Bitchy, whiny.

comparative: snatchier
superlative: snatchiest

1. Fine, snatchy. Have it your way. We won't kill anybody tonight.

2. This is the snatchiest thing I've ever put in my mouth.

3. Why do you have to be so snatchy with me Snatchy McSnatch?

by Jesse Tyler May 25, 2007

23๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


The term used when you steal/take something from someone else.

Person 1: Hey! I sit there!
Person 2: Snatchies! Sorry Not Sorry! >:)

by @gr7me on ig give me clout pls August 30, 2019