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social anxiety

horrible condition where a overwhelmingly fear occurs in social settings. Self consciousness and fear arise when situations like speaking in public and being the center of attention is present. The person automatically thinks that everyone is looking, judging, or humilating him or her. People with are a little weird but NOT FREAKS; Im a cool dude.

The horrible thing is that this condition is known by few, the cause is unknown, and sever symptoms such as a increasing heart rate, muscle twitches, sweating, and feeling warm.

People who dont know it will never understand it, and unfortunately I am one of the 13% of the population that have it and what makes it even more fucked up is that Im in school where it really fucks me up. Its fuckin sad and nothin to laugh or fuck around wit. People with this are loners too. On a good note, I dont have it severly where people stay in their home for years but people will never understand it.

teacher: Today we'll have an oral presentation, each 40 minutes

me: FUCK!

by TruRapFan January 28, 2005

1835๐Ÿ‘ 109๐Ÿ‘Ž

social anxiety

Characterized by extreme self-consciousness. A condition in which the subject may be consistently nervous, fearing judgement and over-rationalizing, taking things apart to much, often worrying about what others may think of them, not to mention feeling like they are always being looked at.

I think that wierd guy who comes in here now and then, the one who always seems kind of nervous and doesn't make eye contact, has social anxiety. Sucks.

All socially anxious people should unite and start a community together. Approach your fellow nervous wreck. Also, socially anxious people should all date each other, because it's near impossible to get along with others. Fuck everyone else, there's nothing wrong with us.

by Chuck October 5, 2003

1715๐Ÿ‘ 194๐Ÿ‘Ž

social anxiety

A mental disorder that stops people from living the lives that they had always dreamed of.
Everyday when you step foot outside of your house, it's like constant anxiousness, and you can't really do anything.
It's horrible, and I wouldn't wish it on anybody.
It can get so bad that people can't leave their houses becuase it's not worth it.
You'll never understand what it's like, unless you have it yourself. A lot of people think that it's people overreacting and being shy, but they really have no clue.
This disorder often comes with other disorders, like depression, bipolar, etc.
This disorder can be treated successfully (I think/hope...), but people with social anxiety are too scared or embarassed to ask for help. I think that many people get misdiagnosed when they do ask for help. So many people turn to drugs or alcohol to help them find relief.
People with S.A.D. are misunderstood and I get in trouble becuase I don't talk loud enough and don't do homework assignments (like book reports) so that I don't have to do oral presentations. I can't leave my house by myself.
And a really miserable part of any anxiety disorder is panic attacks which cause people with the disorder to think they're dying or going crazy.

I always dream about what it would be like to not have social anxiety disorder. I can't imagine what it would be like to have one day where I could do everything I've ever imagined. If I ever get treated, or somehow magically it goes away (which I know it never will), I'm going to do everything that I can't do now.

by CutMyWristsAndBlackMyEyes April 3, 2008

507๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

social anxiety

An anxiety disorder characterized by extreme self-consciousness in normal social situations, including the fear that one is being judged or observed by all those around them. Social anxiety causes people to fear being humiliated or embarrassed much more than is normal. People with social anxiety disorder know that their fear is irrational and yet still avoid any situation in which they may be evaluated or judged.

Social phobics, like those with Avoidant Personality Disorder, may develop defences against their fears, such as denying that they fear social situations or defending themselves through insensetivity.

Holy crap, a factual entry into Urban Dictionary?!

A person with social anxiety may avoid public speaking.

by Lord of the Pies March 25, 2006

499๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž

social anxiety

A shitty emotional disorder that ruined my life.

I have had social anxiety since i was a kid. I was the class clown type in school but hated oral presentations which eventually caused me to drop out all together. I was on every party drug known to man to hide from my anxiety which led to an outrageous social life. I quit drugs at 20, went to uni and majored in math so i wouldn't have to give speeches. Now 23 with Bachelor of Mathematics, still a nervous idiot and about to give up.

Suicide is all that is left, keep your chin up socially anxious peeps.


by Craig Smit June 7, 2006

648๐Ÿ‘ 132๐Ÿ‘Ž

social anxiety

its when your scared of talking to others and you feel horrible, you shake, have muscle spasms, you stutter your voice shakes. Its really serious and many people dont understand how bad it is who dont have it.

I do understand cause my social anxiety is horrible i've been to a psychologist but he aint done a shit. Meds are making me worse... Its like it feels terrible you cant speak to anyone you just hide out and have anxiety attacks IT SUCKS!!!
theres no possible way you can have friends and live a normal life........
plus i have a horrible accent and i just get so self conscious about it!!!

by cbmsgbears March 5, 2009

287๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

social anxiety

BEing afraid of people. Only people with social anxiety have felt true pain and goth whores should stfu about there lives since its painless compared to social anxiety. ITs pain that wont go away.

My life suffocates from social anxiety.

by Iliveinfear November 26, 2003

799๐Ÿ‘ 192๐Ÿ‘Ž