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"Supporting Radical Habits", the clothing line founded by Kevin Zinger, close friend and manager of hip-hop group Kottonmouth Kings. Official clothing line of Suburban Noize Records.

SRH forever.

by Banky January 1, 2004

666๐Ÿ‘ 265๐Ÿ‘Ž


SRH: Smiling Real Hard

Guy 1: "Hey dude i'm srh right now"
Guy 2: "Yeah I can tell! I'm glad you're so happy"

by srhh June 8, 2019

29๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Stoner Reakon Havoic

I would like to think if you live in So Cal you would know what we are about, but for those of you that are just getting turned on to the spade, PAY ATTENTION! We are about making sure you get represented in this world; The kid who wakes up every day skates to the beach gets a couple waves ends up at school or work, and spends the rest of their night partying and listening to music that your parents hate. We are punker kids from your local beach and suburban neighborhood that listen to Kottonmouth Kings, Pennywise, Sublime, and we surf, skate, snowboard, and ride dirt bikes. That pretty much sums it up. If you got excited about what you just read welcome to the SRH team. If you didn't like what you just read go back to knitting sweaters you yuppie nerd.

Im down for the Krown, and one spaded motherfucker.

by Spaded August 14, 2004

775๐Ÿ‘ 557๐Ÿ‘Ž


SRH is a clothing/production company that revolves around extreme sports, extreme music, and extreme lifestyles in general. SRH is an acronym for Supporting Radical Habits and often Stoners Reeking Havoc. I'm often asked why it's not spelled wreaking. Could it be a play on words to "I smell trouble"? Smelling like high grade cannabis is a good way to REEK of havoc if you ask me.

"Yes we gots to have it. Stoners Reeking Havoc. Helpless, hopeless habits. Still Supporting these Radical Habits."

SRH - Kottonmouth Kings, Joint Venture

by LowKeyNinja January 12, 2010

106๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž


yes we gots to have it...
stonersS reekingR havocH!!
hell yeahh kidd
also meaning "supports radical habits"
started by kottonmouth kings. this hip hop/rock band
& SRH is a song.
its kick ass

stoners know what it means

SRH, hell yeah kidd.
im stoned.
me 3.

by rachel blazed July 7, 2006

256๐Ÿ‘ 241๐Ÿ‘Ž


a complete joke and full of kids that run their mouth alot but wont do anything unless they have their friends

they love smoking weed

they love riding quads and dirtbikes

they love dating ugly girls

they love kmk

they love spades

does this sound like u? then if so go to your local hardcore 101 or other srh store and buy a 6 or 7 shirts with the spades one them. dont worry about how it will look because everyone else will have that shirt.

kmk, spades, riding awesome quads, popular

hey man im in srh and i have a sweet dirtbike?

by EdgexJohn October 4, 2006

216๐Ÿ‘ 317๐Ÿ‘Ž


Sperm Retention Headache - this is a problem that only affects men and is the equivalent of PMS for women. An SRH is easily identified When you observe a guy who is obviously irritated and moody because his segnifigant other is with holding sex. The moodyness and irritibility magically disappear once the swim team have been released.

Man, Tom sure is pissy today... Yea he's having troubles with his girlfriend so she cut him off from sex. The poor guy has one hell of an SRH.

by Rawkaphella September 15, 2009

41๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž