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Da lazy 'n' listless status of a fertile deer with a big rack of horns when he isn't "getting any".

Bambi was suffering major stagnation when he was all "rarin' to go" but had "no place to stick it"; when Faline found out about it, she pranced over to make a "doenation", thus "relieving the pressure" and making Bambi feel frisky and lively again.

by QuacksO December 6, 2021


A Arkansas based rock band that was active from 2005 to 2005. The members included Shoup (vocals/bass), Frank (vocals/guitar), Zakc (guitar), and The Beav (smoke machine). The band featured the hit songs "Gone," "The Nug," and "My Little Trainwreck." The band disbanded after Zakc Cooper was sent away.

That Stagnation sure sucked, I'm glad those guys are history.

by chris cantrell February 7, 2007

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Stagnating air

When the vibe/mood/aura of a room/place seems uneasy and out of the ordinary, the air is heavy and something feels wrong. It commonly foreshadows that something terrible is about to happen.

The term was heavily popularized in 2017 when the game DDLC (Doki Doki Literature Club) was released, and one of the characters (Yuri) uses it.

“Stagnating air is common foreshadowing that something terrible is about to happen” -Yuri 2017

by TheFrenchDuck June 1, 2021

2👍 1👎

stagnating air

is common foreshadowing that something terrible is about to happen
-Yuri from Doki Doki Literature Club

stagnating air

by f1n3 is not a n00b February 27, 2021

4👍 2👎

Water stagnation

Stink water.

Water stagnation is not good.

by Debskelly1985 March 25, 2023


just so lit you cant imagine

WHOOPIE DINGDING stagnation is so lit-sather

by jesus christ✝️ December 1, 2016