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STEM Child

These are the unfortunate children born with slightly brighter minds than most, And the unfortunate off-spring of STEM Parents. While most people who do go into STEM fields are quite successful, it is simply not the case with these poor souls. These children are naturally fairly bright and often surpass normal levels of intelligence and comprehension for their age, but as they age they grow into their intelligence, They are no longer exceptionally intelligent children, they're now above average teens and adults. After likely being shipped off to some STEM School or Advanced School of Insert Generic Scientific Term as a child they begin to struggle and fall behind, The work being provided is not the same easy amount of manageable assignments as before in their normal schools back when they still had friends and relationships. The transition has hurt them, and they are hurting on the inside. Their STEM Parents remain totally oblivious to this and continue to slobber over How their children are going to be so wildly successful and brilliant when they go to some University or collage and study Some advanced science crap or some sort of NASA related thing for 4+ years. This continues on until the Child goes mad, Moves out and attempts to live a normal live free from dictation, Or somehow manages to live up to their parents in a painful existence.

Mike: Did you see that kid over there, He looked really stressed.
June: Yeah, he did. Sort of reminds me of a STEM Child. Did you hear his parents boasting about him to all the teachers?
Mike: Yeah, and they were the teachers in the grade ahead of him..
June: Definitely a STEM Child.
Mike: Definitely STEM Parents. Hope the guy is better off in the future.

by AlternateLoneSarge March 27, 2021