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STEM High School

A high school in Washington full of spazzes who can't compete in school sport and think they are too smart for "normal" public school. Think band kids, but its the entire school and no one gets shoved into a locker for it. Instead of normal prom, they have lame ass school dances because everyone is too busy jerking it to yugioh to form a real relationship. They think they are prepared for the real world but most likely will be going to the exact same college as everyone else.

"Oh you go to normal high school? I go to STEM High School, it's a lot harder probably."
"It probably isn't and you just don't have a social life and couldn't lift 10lbs to save your life."

by Jesus_is_king_only_reel_fax March 8, 2021

STEM high school

A school where they think they're the shit while the rest of the world thinks they're total geeks and nerds.

Susan: I go to STEM high school, and I'm really smart.
George: Cool, I actually have a social life and I'm not a total science and math nerd.

by Bby2071 June 10, 2015

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